Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Brague's Law of God

There is a useful review of Remi Brague's The Law of God by Christopher Morrissey in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review. George Weigel also refers to the book in an article in Commentary.

In a review at the Hoover Institute, Benjamin Balint says:

Brague argued in his book Eccentric Culture (2002) that Christianity comprises neither a third element in European culture nor a synthesis of Athens and Jerusalem, but “the common structure of our relationship to both sources.” It conditions the very way Europe relates to the past: “Christianity is not an element among others in European culture, but its very form, the form that enables it to remain open to whatever can come from the outside and enrich the hoard of its experiences with the human and the divine.”

In a 1992 issue of First Things, Brague writes about Christ, Culture, and the New Europe and notes:

Forgiveness, then, turns out to be more than a theme for sermons. In Europe in any case, and likely even in the world at large, forgiving one another is by far the most real and concrete of all political programs. If we want peace, historic wounds must be healed. Can they be? In order to answer this question, we have to realize that forgiveness is basically a religious idea. It begins with faith: we first have to believe, in the teeth of all evidence to the contrary, that reconciliation is possible, that both we and our enemy can change our hearts.

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